Play the lottery – kiosk or directly online?

Lotto is definitely still one of the most popular forms of gambling today. The fascination of the participants, possibly “this time” with six correct numbers plus additional number to win the big win, has not broken even decades after the invention of the หวยออนไลน์. Nevertheless, the options for participation and the corresponding providers have changed over the years. In particular, playing the lottery on the Internet is more popular than ever these days. The virtual participation in the regular draws has definitely managed to get rid of its previously somewhat negative image and inspire many people understandable. After all, it offers numerous advantages compared to playing the lottery on site.

Due to the fact that the number of people who play the lottery on the Internet is constantly increasing, it is always useful to compare the different providers with one another. Significant differences arise here, among other things, due to:


Admittedly, there are a few factors that you should consider when choosing the right provider. Essentially, it is not only the prices that are decisive here, but also your individual expectations. So that you can put the individual providers in relation to one another as quickly as possible.

No question about it: Playing the lottery at the kiosk offers a high personal factor. You can still tick your lucky numbers by hand – if you wish – and enjoy this very special flair, which lottery players have appreciated for decades. Nevertheless, online gaming also offers significant advantages, which are primarily reflected in uncomplicated participation, show a high degree of flexibility and sometimes attractive special offers. In return, some providers have to accept comparatively high processing fees, which of course do not apply when you visit the kiosk.

Regardless of whether you play the lottery at the kiosk or online: the general conditions and the chances of winning are of course the same. Lotto has a long history that extends well into the 19th century.

Nevertheless, the following applies of course: if you want to clear the jackpot when playing the lottery – regardless of whether it is on the Internet or at the kiosk – you are not only dependent on the money for the stake, but also on the proverbial luck.

Even if you prefer to hand in your ticket at the kiosk, the internet always gives you the opportunity to check the current winning numbers. An advantage that should by no means be underestimated.